2023 Community Partner of the Year Named

CVHHH’s Community Partner of the Year, Waterbury Ambulance, has been a tremendous partner in being readily available to assist CVHHH with transport needs for our hospice patients from the hospital to where they call home.  We can rely on any member of the team to ensure that our hospice patients receive the best care and support possible during transport at such a delicate time in their lives. In addition, Waterbury Ambulance partnered with CVHHH during the COVID-19 pandemic to deliver vaccinations to Central Vermont’s homebound population. 

This award was also given to Waterbury Ambulance in honor of the late Mark Podgwaite, former Executive Director.  His wife Lisa was present to receive the award with Maggie Burke, Executive Director, and the team.  “Mark was so easy to work with through such a stressful time and made the task at hand seem easy with his jovial attitude and sense of humor.  I looked forward to my daily calls with Mark.  His positive outlook on any given day just made things seem easier.  Once you knew Mark, he would do anything for you if you called him for help. Not only was he a colleague, but he was a friend.”, said Sandy Rousse, CEO.  To Maggie and her team, CVHHH thanks you for your partnership!

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