We are dedicated to providing care to Central Vermonters in the place they call home.

Below is a copy of a letter from CVHHH’s President & CEO, Sandy Rousse, to Central Vermonters.
Many of you likely received our appeal letter or caught one of our ads on the radio or in your local paper. The appeal features a CVHHH hospice patient and longtime Barre resident, Kristin, and her two sons, Walt and Del. The family’s story is not only touching, but it also highlights some of the most important benefits of hospice for patients, caregivers, and families. Kristin lives with Alzheimer’s Disease, and, with the help of CVHHH’s Hospice team, receives the end-of-life care she needs in her home surrounded by familiar things that make her feel safe and happy. Walt, one of Kristin’s sons, says that this is essential to Kristin’s wellbeing.
Walt recognizes that many people lose touch with their parents, and he feels lucky that he gets to see his mother every day. He says they tell jokes, go on drives, and laugh together. CVHHH’s Hospice team provides the support and guidance that helps makes it possible for Walt and his brother to keep their mother where she wants to be, at home and with her family: “CVHHH gives us the confidence that we are going above and beyond. They are shining a light in the path for us. There is a lot of love and a lot of communication.”
Hospice at CVHHH creates time and space for people and their families to be together and to focus on what matters most when it matters most. When I look through the photos that accompany the appeal on CVHHH’s website and Facebook page, it is clear there is a strong bond between Kristin, Walt, and Del.
This holiday season, I want to share my deep appreciation for our central Vermont community. Thank you to our patients and their families for trusting us with your care. We are honored to be a part of your health care team. Thank you to the caregivers and volunteers who support our patients in a way that allows them to stay at home, close to their families, friends, and pets. Thank you to our staff, who are dedicated to serving the evolving needs of our community and who go above and beyond every day. And thank you to our donors and partners, whose support sustains our organization.
On behalf of everyone at Central Vermont Home Health & Hospice, have a happy holiday season and a healthy new year.