Lisa Ventriss to Emcee 2015 Seasons of Life Fashion Show

We are thrilled to announce that Lisa Ventriss, President of the Vermont Business Roundtable, will emcee our Seasons of Life Fashion Show, Live Auction and Dinner, Friday, October 16, 2015 at National Life in Montpelier.

The Vermont Business Roundtable is a non-partisan, non-political, public affairs organization comprised of 115 CEOs from Vermont’s most successful private and non-profit employers. Through thoughtful policy research and analysis, collaboration and advocacy, the Roundtable seeks to leverage the entrepreneurial capital of its members to benefit the welfare of all Vermonters on economic, social and environmental matters.

Prior to joining the Roundtable in 2002, Ms. Ventriss was President of the Vermont Captive Insurance Association (1997-2002).

Ms. Ventriss currently serves on the boards of Greater Burlington Industrial Corporation; Maine Mutual Group; Mercy Connections; the University of Vermont; Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies; VBR Research and Education Foundation; and Vermont Public Television.

In 2009 Ms. Ventriss was appointed by Governor Douglas to the Building Bright Futures Council, which is organized to create a unified system of quality health, early care and education supports for young children and their families. In 2010 Ms. Ventriss was presented with the Key Achieve Award by KeyBank, in recognition of her years of leadership and contributions to both the business and non-profit communities throughout Vermont.

Ms. Ventriss is a native of Middlebury, VT and holds a Master of Public Administration and a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Vermont. She is married and has three sons.

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